Developed Activities

“The effort and dedication you put in today is the key to the success you will achieve tomorrow.”


“Every day we know more and understand less.”

Albert Einstein

During the last month, a series of varied and effective activities have been carried out in different areas. In the academic field, in-depth research has been conducted on relevant topics, keynote lectures have been given, and the exchange of knowledge has been promoted in various seminars and workshops. In the work environment, important projects have been carried out, goals have been achieved and team collaboration has been promoted to achieve successful results. In addition, in the social area, cultural, sports and solidarity events have been organized, providing opportunities for participation and enrichment for the community. These activities have left a significant mark and have contributed to growth and development in various spheres of life.

Resvista Alfa y Omega

“Alpha and Omega” stands out for its academic rigor and the quality of the articles it publishes. The journal covers a wide range of topics related to defense and security, including research in areas such as military engineering, strategy and tactics, cybersecurity, logistics, risk management and much more.

The importance of this journal lies in its ability to foster the exchange of knowledge among academics, researchers, practitioners and students in the

In addition, the journal “Alpha and Omega” plays a key role in promoting and disseminating research conducted by the university and military community. It provides a platform for experts in the field to share their findings, experiences and perspectives, thus enriching the debate and fostering scientific progress.

Socialization of the Research Team

On March 14, 2023, the meeting was held to discuss important topics for the socialization of the distribution of planned tasks.

As a first point, the designation of tasks for each of the participating members was mentioned.

They were organized from important points (social networks, papers)

They talked about teamwork on the development of academic papers.

Finally, the meeting ended with the progress of the work initially proposed, ensuring that the schedule was fully achieved.

Training members about the Atlas.ti Program

On March 28, 2023, an internal meeting was held with the purpose of knowing how to apply “Atlas Ti” to the research.

The points that were taken were:

  1. Socialization of the benefits of the software.
  2. Show examples already applied and how they work.
  3. Start autonomous work in order to evaluate what has been learned.

From which excellent results and great learning were obtained.

Socialization of Future Projects

On April 10, 2023, the socialization took place where different topics that would be important for the realization of future topics were covered.

  1. Socialization about the visit to the ESPE-Latacunga Headquarters
  2. Socialization about the visit Zamora Chinchipe – End of semester 
  3. Presentation of the official club jacket and its delivery 
  4. Presentation of the official agenda of the group and its delivery
  5. Presentation of the material to be used for the team’s formal uniform and taking its measurements 
  6. Organization of work groups by levels and tasks 
  7. Brief explanation about Evernote and collaborative work with Atlas Ti.

Finally, the given provisions were complied with, taking into account the recommendations for good teamwork and thus being able to begin to develop them.

Pedagogical outing to the University of the Armed Forces – Espe Latacunga headquarters

On April 19, 2023, a pedagogical outing was held to learn about the laboratories and meet with the Department of Human and Social Sciences at the Latacunga central campus. The tour began at 07:17 from the Headquarters, introducing teachers and inviting participants to a congress in October. The department comprises 14 tenured teachers and four thousand students, with roughly one thousand students per teacher. The meeting included invitations to publish articles in Scopus magazine and participate in the “ESPE-Summit Talent Co.” contest related to the Cotopaxi eruption. The visit concluded with a tour of the industrial robotics laboratory, where Eng. Marcos Sigulaña showcased three KUKA industrial robots used for tasks like welding exhaust pipes and transporting objects, with each robot costing between fifteen and forty thousand dollars.

Projects to be developed

On April 26, 2023, the meeting was held to socialize and consider different aspects to meet the objectives of the research team, where several topics were discussed such as:

  1. Feedback on the tour in ESPE- Latacunga 
  2. Socialization of new projects 
  3. Agreement on the weekly days for club meetings in the academic period May-September 2023
  4. Presentation of members and their functions 
  5. Presentation of the pedagogical tool “CHAT GPT”
  6. Review of topics for future research

The meeting was held with complete success since all the objectives set were met.

Naval Lyceum Educational Unit

On May 19, 2023, a request was made from the work team for the socialization and consideration of different aspects to meet the objectives of the research team, which covered different topics such as: 

  1. Organization for departure and visit to the designated spaces in the Liceo Naval Educational Unit
  2. Organization of team members at the Naval Lyceum open house
  3. Designation of positions (appoint team leaders) for the different activities of the open house
  4. Review of progress by the different working groups (6th-7th-8th)

Finally, necessary instructions were given for the day of the event and it was left to organize small ventures to collect economic resources that will be used for pedagogical purposes within the club.

Technology day

On June 1, 2023, the work team requested the socialization and consideration of different aspects to meet the objectives of the research team.

  1. Review of a play at the institution where the Technology Day will take place.
  2. Organization of commissions and team leaders for each planned station in the Day.
  3. Review of activity planning for the Technology Day

To end the meeting, a brief meeting was held to organize the collection of funds, which will be used for the various activities that are planned to be carried out within the club. Within this activity, the sale of sweets at the University has been proposed, for which the students who make up the team must collaborate with the product. It should be noted that all the students agreed with the initiative to collect funds for the club.

“You can teach a man nothing, you can only help him to discover himself.”
Galileo Galilei

Activities to be developed

As for future activities, the outlook is exciting and full of possibilities. On the academic side, new research projects are planned that will address current issues and seek innovative solutions. In addition, courses and training programs are planned that will adapt to the changing demands of the labor market. On the labor front, new challenges and opportunities for professional growth are expected, as well as the implementation of emerging technologies that will improve efficiency and productivity in processes. On the social front, events and activities are expected to promote inclusion, diversity and community well-being. In addition, greater environmental awareness and the implementation of sustainable actions to preserve our environment are expected. In summary, future activities promise to be enriching, driven by creativity and innovation, and oriented towards integral and equitable development.